Graphic Design Major

Educational philosophy of Graphic Design - Van Lang University

Program Specification - K26

AUN Brochure - K26


Graphic Design is the art of using design elements, such as typography and images, to convey a message or make an impact. A simple way of understanding graphic design is that it is the design of posters, book covers, magazines, games, and films, which is all done on the computer.

Good drawing skills and mastering of graphic software will make learning easier for Graphic Design students.

What is interesting to study Graphic Design?

With the strong development of communications, people are dominated by information. In order to reach customers quickly and effectively, businesses increasingly invest in advertising publications with concise content, attractive images and eye-catching colors. It is the job of the graphic designer to design those publications.

What qualities do you need to study Graphic Design?

  • Passion and commitment to the profession: This is a prerequisite for you to pursue this competitive career.
  • Design Thinking: It should be emphasized that in addition to knowledge and passion, artistic talents and good design thinking skill will be a plus for you to achieve success in the profession.
  • Creativity and Observation: These are also qualities that requires students of design to have.

Products of graphic design students, also gifts  to the visually impaired on the occasion of the Lunar New Year (Year of the Rat) 2020.



In Van Lang University, students develop ideas into real products and exhibit them several times a year. Businesses are invited to attend the Student Project Exhibition to access potential designs. Van Lang University also pioneered in Research on traditional motifs and Application in training of Applied Arts. We have woodcut, monoprint, and silk-screen printmaking projects, as well as field study projects to research traditional motifs.

In 2020, the Faculty of Arts and Design builds a Special Training Program for the Graphic Design major. The program creates conditions for students to develop and exploit their own abilities, especially to enhance creative thinking, innovation and break through in the Graphic Design industry.

What are the highlights of the Graphic Design major at Van Lang University?

Fundamental knowledge: Basics of Graphic Design, Drawing, Decoration, Arts studies, Computer Image Processing, Printmaking techniques and materials, Traditional printmaking, etc.

Specialized projects: Color printing, Book - Newspaper - Magazine Design, Logo Design, Package Design, Layout, Typography, Advertising Poster, Calendar Design, Photography, Web Interface Design, etc.

Modern graphic technology: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Digital, Flash, etc.

Extracurricular activities of Graphic Design students in Van Lang University

Bam Club: An artistic playground for students, contributing significantly to art activities for the Faculty.

In the first semester of each academic year, the Faculty will organize a traditional program called Hoa Sac. This is one of the biggest and most invested programs in Van Lang University, attracting special attention from friends of other Faculties.

Job opportunities for students of Graphic Design

After graduating, the bachelors of Graphic Design can work in the following positions:

Graphic designer, illustrator.

Printmaker / Animation designer.

Design Manager / Image Director / Art Director.

Creative director

Freelancer, a job option that many young people choose today.


Major code: 7210403

Training time: 4 years

Degree: Bachelor of Graphic Design