Thanks letter- IADW 2021

Dear Artists,

We are especially thankful for your contributions and for the power of art in society in 2021 - a challenging year.

Thank you artists for continuing to create, going online, and trying new ways of joining our international art workshop. You've made your art accessible to us in the IADW_2021 through creating and sharing your art. Your artmaking helped to inspire other people to be creative. 

Thank you for helping to interpret and add nuance to our international seminar. Your art speech highlighted issues around printmaking, created dialogue, and even spurred the power of art in society awareness. Whether it was through online seminar and workshop that we attended or seeing art in virtual exhibition—your artworks contributed to our enjoyment, studying and artmaking.

Finally, we are a dynamic and supportive community because in response to stressors in pandemic, the arts community continued to connect and support each other.


Faculty of Arts and Design, Van Lang University - The Fine Arts Association of Ho Chi Minh City - Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts